Facelift surgery with threads

Minimally invasive procedure that can address both the upper face (“fallen” eyebrows or eyelids), the average face (cheeks lift and nasolabial grooves attenuation), the lower face (jaw line definition) or the neck. It is considered a facial ptosis correction procedure, the precursor of a standard surgical facelift.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia with / without intravenous sedation and lasts approximately 1 hour.

The threads we use are special, they have small spikes which produce self-anchoring in the deep dermis or subcutaneous tissue.

Existing technology led to the development of increasingly efficient devices, such as:

– Contour Thread Lift (unidirectional)
– Aptos Thread Lift (bidirectional)
– Happy Lift
– Gold Thread lift

The ideal candidates are aged between 35 and 45 years and have minimal or moderate facial ptosis or can not afford a long recovery period.

The recovery lasts 2-3 days and during this period intense physical activity should be avoided.

There are no scars left after this procedure.

Uptown Clinic, about Dr. Drăgoicea, Medlife partnership

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